Coast Initiatives Fund
The Coast Initiatives Fund (CIF) is allocated by Council to the Coast Community Board to spend on Coast ward projects (as per their criteria for applications) to ensure fair representation for all members of our community.

Photo: Kids from the Kohanga enjoying the basket swing at the opening of Whakaruru playground Te Kaha - a project partly funded by the Coast Community Board through the Coast Initiatives fund.
Value of the fund
The annual budget is $50,000.
Application requirements
1 - Deliberations on grant money applications will be conducted by the Coast Community Board and must meet criteria approved by the Board, see Application Criteria.
2 - Applications must be received by the Ōpōtiki District Council a minimum of 3 weeks before the Coast Community Board meets, at which a grant decision is required.
3 - Applications must be received in a timely fashion to allow a grant decision to be made prior to the anticipated date of expenditure for which funding is requested.
4 - Grant applications will only be considered from organisations and not (an) individual(s).
5 - Applications will only be accepted from those organisations that are established within the Coast ward. If such an organisation proposes to provide assistance funding from a Coast Initiatives Fund grant then the reasons shall be outlined in the application.
6 - Grant money shall only be paid on submission of an invoice with a verified bank account deposit form and GST number (if GST registered) details on the organisation's invoice.
Application criteria
The Coast Community Board has adopted the following criteria in assessing funding for projects:
1. The types of project/event which will be considered for funding are:
- Marae facility development and upgrades excluding projects, or components of projects, that can attract funding from other funding sources.
- Community facilities and sports fields.
- Pride and beautification projects within the community.
- Community events.
- Coastal access excluding private access.
- Infrastructure projects specific to coastal communities that may be outside of Council's immediate priorities or that may add value to existing initiatives.
- Education and training for organisations, or members of organisations, resulting in ongoing benefit or increased opportunities to the coast community.
2. In preparing to assess applications to the CIF the Community Board Members shall at all times give due consideration to:
- The Model Standing Orders for meetings of the Opotiki District Council on the matter of pecuniary (i.e. financial) interest; and
- The Opotiki District Council Code of Conduct in regard to conflicts of interest.
If your application is approved it is part of the criteria that a written report along with photos will be submitted to the Community Funding Initiative committee within one month of the project being completed.
How to apply
The easiest way to apply is by using our Coast Initiatives Fund online application form through our secure online services portal.
You can also download and complete a Coast Initiatives Fund Application for Grant (PDF, 202B) form.
Your completed form can be returned by post to:
Coast Community Board
Coast Initiatives Fund Application
c/- Opotiki District Council
PO Box 44
Opotiki 3162
Or by email to
Need more information?
You can contact Gae Finlay by phoning (07) 3153030 or emailing