Rapid Number Rapid Response
NewsCouncil is applying a consistent approach to Rapid Numbers and ensuring that all roads in the district are named, and are named according to the rules.
Lighting up the future
NewsLED lighting to be rolled out across the District.
Work set to start on Ōpōtiki Sewerage Upgrade Project
NewsContractors due to start this month.
Booking service implemented
NewsDesigned to maintain a high level of service delivery for planning and resource consent enquiries.
Opotiki Harbour stacks up
Harbour ProjectNewsMedia ReleasesOpotiki harbour - the numbers stack up and will make a major difference in the lives of Eastern Bay residents.
Pay it online
News -
Opotiki Lights Opotiki Style
NewsEx-cyclone Cook damage means this Christmas the town will light up with a unique Opotiki flavour.
Opotiki population on the way up
NewsPaper to Council outlines the possibility of growth for the district in the coming ten years.
Notice of Electoral System Resolution
NewsCouncil has resolved to retain the First Past the Post electoral system for its 2019 triennial election.
Spaces and Places Strategy
NewsBay of Plenty Sport & Recreation Spaces and Places Strategy endorsed by regional mayors.