Vote for Ōpōtiki Matariki event!
NewsMedia ReleasesReminder to vote for the NZEA 'NZ's Favourite event' for Opotiki's Matariki calendar!
Changes this year could ‘hit ratepayers hard’
NewsMedia ReleasesMayor Moore warns residents that changes to the timing of rates invoices this year could have a significant impact on households and that people should start to prepare now.
School holiday programme a shining success
NewsMedia ReleasesThe school holiday programme at Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi was a success with young and young-at-heart this July with hundreds of visitors each day.
Thousands enjoy Ōpōtiki Matariki events
NewsMedia ReleasesCouncil’s iSite and events team wrapped up a three-week calendar of Matariki events this month with thousands of locals and visitors enjoying a range of events from golf to star-gazing.
Ōpōtiki projects work together to unlock economic potential
NewsMedia ReleasesAn update from Councillor Barry Howe, Chair of OMAG, on the many Opotiki projects that are contributing to our 'blue economy'.
Harbour team farewell HEB project manager
NewsMedia ReleasesAfter nearly four years leading the Ōpōtiki harbour project, the team has farewelled David Wyeth.
Opotiki’s own Matariki festival a finalist in national awards
NewsMedia ReleasesLast year's Matariki festival is a finalist in the NZEA annual event awards.
Key outcomes from Ordinary Council meeting 11 June 2024
NewsMedia ReleasesInformal notes on the key outcomes and decisions from the ordinary council meeting on 11 June 2024.
Incredible line-up of Matariki events
NewsMedia ReleasesHave you checked out the calendar of awesome Matariki events this month and next?!
Last chance to have your say on Freedom Camping Bylaw
NewsMedia ReleasesJump on to Connect | Hono Mai to have your say on our draft Freedom Camping bylaw before the end of the week.
“No black helicopters”
NewsMedia ReleasesWho is civil defence? What is the plan in an emergency? How prepared are you and your whānau?
A round of ap-paws for Kutarere School
NewsMedia ReleasesThe kura won a great prize for their excellent Shake Out last year and Stan was there to hand it over.
Have your say on Freedom Camping in the Ōpōtiki District
NewsMedia ReleasesThe draft bylaw is open for public consultation so make sure you have your say.
From the Mayor this ANZAC day
Mayoral ColumnsNewsMedia ReleasesA few words from the Mayor this ANZAC day.
Upgrades to Cenotaph space ready in time for ANZAC services
NewsMedia ReleasesThe improvement works at the Ōpōtiki Cenotaph have been completed in time for ANZAC day services and have been given the thumbs up by Ōpōtiki RSA.
ANZAC parade and Civic commemorations
NewsMedia ReleasesThis year’s ANZAC commemorations include the traditional dawn service, parade and civic commemorations at the Cenotaph.
Calling all Matariki idea-makers
NewsMedia ReleasesDo you have something your community group, whanau group, business or organisation would like to bring to this year's Matariki celebrations? Come share your ideas!
Reminder to keep out of active harbour construction site in Ōpōtiki
NewsMedia ReleasesPublic are reminded not to cross barriers around Ōpōtiki Harbour construction works following several instances of unauthorised access.
New direction for council’s LTP
NewsMedia ReleasesPapers to be released today for next week's ordinary council meeting show council's intention to make savings in different areas with less impact on Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi.
An overview of council’s long term planning process
NewsMedia ReleasesCouncil CEO, Stace Lewer, provides an outline of the Long Term Plan process to date and next steps.