Public consultation for Long-Term Plan opens
NewsMedia ReleasesRubbish bins at public toilets, extending services to Hukutaia to unlock housing potential, mobile services to the Coast, and how we step up our social development role are our four key issues.
Trialling dredge equipment for Ōpōtiki Harbour entrance
Harbour ProjectNewsMedia ReleasesContractor for the build of the Ōpōtiki harbour entrance trials equipment for use in dredging the river channel for the new harbour.
Ōpōtiki welcomes government housing announcement
NewsMedia ReleasesWe are poised, ready and waiting to make the most of today’s announcement.
Ōpōtiki’s Housing Crisis – hope on horizon
NewsMedia ReleasesEstimates show Ōpōtiki needs more than 50 houses a year for the next ten years just to deal with the current undersupply and to house any newcomers to the area.
Turning Ōpōtiki’s employment statistics around – one job at a time
NewsMedia ReleasesCouncil’s Workforce Programme aims to leverage mini economic boom in Eastern Bay of Plenty to ensure every young person who wants to, finds a pathway into training and work that suits them.
Town Centre Master Plan to guide revitalisation
NewsMedia ReleasesCreating a vision of what that future looks like in the town centre so that growth happens in a way the community wants as we work towards our goal of a vibrant, busy and attractive place to be.
Council’s public survey under way
NewsMedia ReleasesOur Community Satisfaction Survey is a key part of the Council's commitment to actively seek public opinion and involvement.
Truckies urge extra care on SH35
Harbour ProjectNewsMedia ReleasesThe intersection of Snell Road and SH35 is causing concern for truck drivers and the Ōpōtiki Harbour project team and they are asking locals to take extra care in the area.
Let’s get ready for a community Christmas
NewsMedia ReleasesRoll up your sleeves and decorate your float. Help us pull together a unique Christmas celebration.
Toi Māori funding for Ōpōtiki
NewsMedia ReleasesŌpōtiki District Council has been successful in its application for Ngā Toi ā Rohe - Arts in the Regions Funding for a series of new Toi Māori as part of Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi.
Beautiful words for Ngā Whetu o Te Mangaroa – Stars of the Community
NewsMedia ReleasesThe nominations for Ōpōtiki’s Ngā Whetu o Te Mangoroa / Stars of the Community awards were ‘humbling’ and ‘heart-warming’ said Community Resilience Advisor, Meagan Edhouse after winners announced.
New opportunities with digital hub launch in Ōpōtiki
NewsMedia ReleasesŌpōtiki’s new digital hub was launched on Tuesday and provides a wealth of new opportunities to access high quality digital access and technology.
‘Ten cars dropped from a ten story building’ for harbour entrance
Harbour ProjectNewsMedia ReleasesDynamic compaction trials are taking place at the Harbour project site to determine the best foundation improvements.
Annual report gets thumbs up from auditors
NewsMedia ReleasesThe report provides an overview of council activities and is a good chance for ratepayers to review how council performed in the past year and look into the financial engine room of the Council.
Plenty of feedback on skatepark design
NewsMedia ReleasesAround 150 people came to the onsite pop up sessions last week to let the contractor know what they were looking for in the new design.
Stars of the community nominations to brighten Agfest
NewsMedia ReleasesStop by the stars of the community stall and add your stories and nominations this weekend.
Council buildings set for improvement
NewsMedia ReleasesCouncil’s commercial buildings in the CBD set for better street frontages, new paint and some internal improvements as part of CBD revitalisation.
Council asks boaties to remain 100m from wave buoys
Harbour ProjectNewsMedia ReleasesTemporary wave monitoring equipment has been deployed close to Opotiki to help inform harbour entrance design.
Contractor announced for Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi
NewsMedia ReleasesProject takes a major step forward with announcement of Livingstone Building NZ Ltd as the contractor for the build.
Funding for new community facilities announced
NewsMedia ReleasesDeputy Prime Minister Winston Peters visits Ōpōtiki to announce funding for multiple projects that will employ locals in facilities development and upgrade.