Electoral system
Under the Local Electoral Act 2001 there are two voting options for Council in conducting its elections. The options are the first past the post system (FPP) and the single transferable vote option (STV).
First Past the Post System
Electors vote by indicating their preferred candidate and the candidate receiving the most votes is declared the winner.
Single Transferable Vote System
This system of voting is used for District Health Boards and some local authorities. Single Transferable Vote is a system under which voters rank candidates in order of preference. The number of votes required for a candidate to be elected (called a quota) depends on the number of positions to be filled and the number of valid votes. The necessary number of candidates to fill all vacancies is achieved first by the counting of first preferences and then by transfer of a proportion of votes received by any candidate where the number of votes for that candidate is in excess of the quota, and then by exclusion of the lowest polling candidates and the transfer of these votes in accordance with voters second preferences. For a more detailed explanation of this system visit www.stv.govt.nz.
Choice of Systems and Options for Change
Under the Local Electoral Act 2001, Council can resolve to change the electoral system to be used two years before a triennial election or conduct a binding poll on the question. Alternatively electors can initiate a poll so long as at least five per cent of electors have signed a petition for a poll. Once changed an electoral system must be used for at least the next two triennial elections.
The Ōpōtiki District Council Choice
Ōpōtiki District Council’s last review of the electoral system was conducted in September 2023. Council resolved to retain the First Past the Post electoral system for its 2025 triennial general election. Electors of Ōpōtiki District Council have a right to demand a poll at any time to countermand the resolution to use the First Past the Post electoral system.
Should a valid demand for a poll be received by 11 December 2023, a poll will be held by 14 March 2024 on whether the First Past the Post or the Single Transferable Voting electoral system will be used for the next two triennial elections (2025 and 2028) of Ōpōtiki District Council.
If a valid demand for a poll is received after 11 December 2023, a poll will be held after 14 March 2024 with the outcome applicable for the 2028 and 2031 triennial elections. See our public notice of resolution on Electoral system and right to demand a poll for full information.